Published on 27th August. 2024

TWO "Rumah Baca" learning facilities have been built in two Orang Asli villages in Gerik, Perak, as part of Malayan tiger conservation efforts. 

The facilities have been ser up in Kampung Kelewang and Kampung Tanhain within the Royal Belum Rainforest. 

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Published on 13th August. 2024

Sambutan Hari Harimau Sedunia dan Hari Renjer Sedunia dilihat sebagai usaha pemuliharaan kolaboratif dalam melindungi Harimau Malaya dan habitat semulajadinya. 

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Published on 21st July. 2024

WHEN you talk to Lara Ariffin, you don't just get one story; you embark on a journey through a series of interwoven tales. Though you can gently guide her back to the main topic, each of her stories is so captivating, intriguing and funny that you'll want to keep listening. 

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Published on 7th May. 2024

SEMUANYA bermula apabila pasangan suami isteri Harun Rahman dan Lara Ariffin membaca tentang nasib malang yang menimpa hidupan liar di Malaysia termasuk badak sumbu Sumatra yang sudah lenyap dari muka bumi negara ini. 

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Published on 7th May. 2024

The Malayan Tiger, also known as 'Pak Belang', is synonymous with what is generally regarded as a majestic and brave animal. 

Being iconic since ancient times and depicted in folklore, it is no wonder that the Malayan Tiger has been elevated to a significant symbol for Malaysia, even being embedded in the national emblem as a symbol of bravery. 

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Published on 22nd Aug 2023

Anti-poaching ranger teams comprising Orang Asli play crucial role in conservation of critically endangered cats.

THE Malayan tiger, which has long been a symbol of strength and courage and even appears on our Coat of Arms (Jata Negara), is fighting for survival in the rainforests of Peninsular Malaysia.

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Published on 29th July 2023

The Malayan tiger, or Panthera Tigris Jacksoni, is an undeniably beautiful beast, often associated with courage and strength.

It is unsurprising that these giant cats are found on the emblem of the Royal Malaysia Police, or that the national football team’s moniker is “Harimau Malaya”.

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Published on 26th July 2023

The team leaders of the Orang Asli Menraq Patrol Unit has won the IUCN WCPA International Ranger Award 2023 for their conservation efforts in the Royal Belum State Park.

This is the first time that a Malaysian team has won this award, which is in its third year and is held in conjunction with World Ranger Day on July 31.

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Published on 26th July 2023

THE Menraq Patrol Unit of Royal Belum State Park in Perak, Malaysia, has achieved a historic milestone by winning the prestigious IUCN WCPA International Ranger Award 2023 on the occasion of World Ranger Day.

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Published on 6th June 2023

Once upon a time in Malaysia, the lush forests were home to ‘Pak Belang’, also known as the Malayan tiger. This majestic predator, distinguished by its distinctive striped coat, represented strength and resilience for the nation. It even served as the inspiration for the national sports team’s livery. 

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Published on 6th Nov. 2022

The lush terrains along the Gerik–Jeli stretch that is surrounded by the Royal Belum State Park (RBSP) and the Temengor Forest Reserve in Perak are wondrous to behold and a much-welcomed respite after one has navigated through Kuala Lumpur’s densely populated roads and the highway for hours on end.

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Published on 25th March 2022

Shah Redza raises his voice over the noise of the motor powering our small taxi-boat into the jungle. “Any messages?” he shouts. “This is the last two minutes we’ll have phone connection.” From a green hut on a slope to the left of us, a soldier waves from an army checkpoint. Around it is rainforest so thick you can barely see a metre inside.

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Published on 23rd March 2022

Imagine a roar so thunderous that it echoes through the lush forests in Peninsular Malaysia. That is the mark of a great apex predator, the Malayan Tiger. Now, that roar is rarely heard as the once thriving population of tigers has dwindled from over 3000 to less than 150  individuals in the wild in the last 100 years. The Malayan Tiger is now a critically endangered species.

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Published on 30th Jan. 2022

Berisiko pupus dalam tempoh lima tahun. Itu nasib yang bakal menimpa Harimau Malaya jika tindakan proaktif tidak diambil untuk menyelamatkan haiwan ikonik itu.

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Published on 28th Jan. 2022

There is only a small window of opportunity left to save the highly endangered Malayan tiger species and conservation efforts should not be in the hands of the government alone, said the Tiger Protection Society of Malaysia (RIMAU).

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Published on 7th March 2021

DEEP in the jungle, where the forest canopy bends sunlight into a lattice of overlapping greens, where snakes glide and the throaty cries of gibbons resound over the bird song, a group of men silently set up camp for the night.

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Published on 6th Jan. 2021

Menraq, a Jahai Orang Asli forest patrol unit, roams Malaysian rainforests to keep poachers away and detect snares in a bid to protect wildlife, especially the Malayan Tiger.

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Published on 1st Jan. 2021

ONE of my favourite things about living in Malaysia is being surrounded by stunning rainforests and the amazing wildlife that calls our nation home. One of them is the Malayan tiger – the symbol of our national pride, of bravery, strength, and regality. 

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